snow monkey title

This is a Japanese Macaque or Snow Monkey. It is able to survive cold winters. The coat is thick in the winter and thin in the summer.

The diet is real snow monkeyvaried and includes fruits, roots and other types of vegetation, insects and some small vertebrates.

The Snow Monkey will forage on the ground during the day but sleeps in the trees at night. It is a good swimmer.

It is about 20 inches tall (60 cm). The female is slightly smaller. On average the troop includes about 20 to 30 individuals. There is one dominant male. Breeding is year-round with one baby born after a gestation of about 165 to 180 days. The female's face and rump turn red when she is in season.

They are very intelligent and quick learners. To keep warm during the winter they will soak in hot thermal pools.

These monkeys are only found in Japan on the islands of Kushu, Shikoku, Takeshima and Honshu. They have been known to live to the age of 30 in the wild.

plush snow monkey

This is Key Key the Snow Monkey of Japan who is also a
member of the Coca-Cola International Bean Bag Collection.

animated butterfly

There are many different kinds of monkeys living at the Monkey House in the Forest Cottage.
The list below includes the monkeys found here:

Baboon | Black Spider Monkey | Chimpanzee | Colobus | Gibbon |
Gorilla | Orang-utan | Proboscis monkey | Snow Monkey

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