chimpanzee title

Find facts and information about the Chimpanzee here at the Monkey House in the Forest Cottage.

real chimpanzeeThe Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, makes its home in equatorial Africa. It is the most intelligent of all the apes. Its elastic face gives it the ability to make all sorts of expressions.

A full grown male is about 5 feet tall and weighs about 150 pounds. They are very powerful animals. Chimps can walk upright but generally prefer to walk on all fours. Their feet are large and prehensile.

They are omnivores with a varied diet. They generally travel around in small groups. They like their privacy and will build a shelter in a tree for their individual use until food runs out, then the group moves on to another area and again build various shelters in the trees of the new area.

Breeding takes place year-round and one young is born after a gestation of about 8 months. Lifespan of these apes is about 25 years.

You can find some of these plush toy stuffed Chimpanzees in our sponsor's Gift Shop.

animated butterfly

There are many different kinds of monkeys living at the Monkey House in the Forest Cottage.
The list below includes the monkeys found here:

Baboon | Black Spider Monkey | Chimpanzee | Colobus | Gibbon | Gorilla | Orang-utan | Proboscis monkey | Snow Monkey

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