
This monkey is baboon_imagea Mandrill, a type of Baboon. Mandrills are very colorful.

Baboons are the largest of the monkeys of the Old World. They are very strong and powerful. They are ground dwelling. There are five species and they all occur in Africa.

Baboons, unlike other monkeys, have an excellent sense of smell. The eyes can see in color.

These monkeys prefer open country and travel about in groups or bands. They eat fruit, roots, insects and reptiles. They have cheek pouches in which they can store their food.

Breeding generally takes place year-round. There is one young born after a gestation of about 6 months.

Below right is Cheeks the Baboon made by Ty Inc. Cheeks is a Beanie Baby and Buddy and a Mandrill. The other baboon on the left is a large Zoobies, which is a type of sleeping bag, so it can be used to sleep in and play with as a plush toy. You can find some of these plush toy stuffed Baboons in our sponsor's Gift Shop.


There are many different kinds of monkeys living at the Monkey House at the Forest Cottage.
Find more information on these monkeys:

Baboon | Black Spider Monkey | Chimpanzee | Colobus | Gibbon | Gorilla | Orangutan | Proboscis monkey | Snow Monkey

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