

Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum) are one of the world's only venomous lizards.

The other is the Mexican Beaded Lizard. These lizards feed on rodents and the eggs of ground-nesting birds. They prowl around at dusk and after dark to escape the heat of the day.

Gila Monsters are from 18 to 24 inches long. The word Gila is pronounced hee-la. The name comes from the location where it was first found, the Gila River of Arizona. This lizard has a stout body and beadlike scales. Its colors are black and yellow-orange or pink.

The Gila is a slow mover but if bothered it can turn and snap quickly. It is best left alone. Once it bites it hangs on with great strength, its venom flowing from glands in the lower jaw. The venom is used against enemies and is not generally a food-getting mechanism. Its venom is as potent as that of a rattlesnake. It has no known natural enemies.

The Wild Republic Rubber Gila Monster shown above is no longer made. As far as we know, no one is making a plush toy Gila Monster.

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