
Raccoon Plush Toys, Facts and Information

Find Raccoon plush toy stuffed animals, facts and information about Raccoons at Animals N More.

You won't find a better selection of Raccoon stuffed animals than here at Animals N More. Let us introduce you to our raccoons. We have  Raccoon Baby Critter , Rascal the Raccoon and a Raccoon Keychain made by The Stuffed Animal House, we have Snoops the Beanie Baby Raccoon,  real_raccoona Small Handfuls Raccoon by Unipak, Tonto the Raccoon from Douglas, Bandit the Raccoon from Aurora, Romeo Raccoon from Purr-Fection, Beanie Baby named Ringo and finally, at right is a Soft Spot Raccoon made by Ganz. We also see a Raccoon Fur Figurine, a Puffkin Raccoon named Bandit and Rocko the Raccoon from Bearington. Purchase these raccoons in the Jeannie's Cottage Gift Shop. Jeannie's Cottage LLC is the sponsor of Animals N More.

Raccoons are equally adaptable to suburban, rural and forested areas. They will eat almost any type of food, including berries, bird eggs, rodents, crayfish, insects, nuts and grain.

It has been said that raccoons wash everything they eat and they do have a tendency to dunk their food before they eat it, but this is not necessarily the case.

Raccoons mate in late winter and have litters of around four babies in the spring. They do not hibernate but are generally not as active during cold weather. The Red Pandas resemble raccoons but are more closely related to China's giant pandas.


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