mouse title

Mice and Mouse Plush Toys and Gifts

Most folks don't like to have mice in their homes, but these mice stuffed animals are always welcome here at Animals N More.

This little group of mice stuffed animals includes from left: Tiny Tim the Mouse Beanie Baby, Ratzo the Rat Beanie Buddy, Ratzo the Pink Rat and Cheddar the Mouse Beanie Baby. Check our sponsor's online Gift Shop to see if we have any plush toy mice.

This little gathering of plush toy mice includes Mollie Mousekin from the Bearington Collection (left), Ganz Grey Mouse Love Pet, Colby S Mouski is the white Boyds mouse, also Monterey Mouski in red from Boyds. The little purple mouse is a Miniature Glass Animal Mouse from Ganz.

Mice real mouseare very small rodents, only about 3 inches in length, not including the tail.

Mice eat just about anything, including such items as glue and soap. When the female builds her nest, she uses paper scraps, feathers, cotton, leaves and other available materials. Females are capable of producing eight litters every year and can have as many as twelve babies in each litter. Those babies can then begin having babies of their own when they are only one month old.

The house mouse is not native to North America. It was originally from Asia.

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