Where can I find Chipmunk plush toys, facts and information ?

Find Chipmunk stuffed animals, facts and information about Chipmunks at Animals N More.

There is nothing quite as cute as a little chipmunk, and little plush toy chipmunks can be just as cute. The plush toy chipmunks shown here include Chip the chipmunk plush toy from Aurora, a Woodland Wildlife Chipmunk plush toy from Ganz, and a Woodland Wildlife Chipmunk with jointed legs from Ganz. We also have a Hansa standing chipmunk. Other chipmunk plush toys include Peanut the Chipmunk stuffed animal from the Stuffed Animal House, Peanut the Chipmunk keychain, a Conservation Critters Chipmunk stuffed animal, and a Folkmanis hand puppet Chipmunk. There is also a Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Mini Chipmunk. Several of the chipmunks on this page can be found in our sponsor's Online Gift Shop.

Chipmunks are ground-dwelling squirrels. They are members of the Sciuridae family, along with the squirrels, marmots and prairie dogs. They spend most of their time on the ground but will climb trees. Their extensive burrows can be up to 12 feet long. They gather nuts and seeds in their cheek pouches and carry them back to their burrow, where they are stored.

Females produce litters of two to eight young in spring or midsummer. Chipmunk babies are born blind, naked and helpless.

There are 22 species of chipmunk in North America. Ways of identifying them include their calls and their striping. It is thought that their coloration is a way for them to avoid being detected by their aerial predators.


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