
Bighorn Ram Gifts, Facts and Information

Find plush toy Bighorn Rams, plus facts and information about Bighorn Rams at Animals N More.

These fine Bighorn Ram stuffed animals are available at our sponsor's online gift shop. These include, a grey Ganz plush Bighorn stuffed animal, a large Cuddlekins Bighorn Ram stuffed animal from Wild Republic, a Hug'ems Bighorn Ram and a Bighorn Ram from Stuffed Animal House as well as it's small Bighorn Ram keychain. This is part of the Robert Bateman Get to Know Your Wild Neighbors Collection. The large Bighorn Ram plush toy in back is a Cuddlekins from Wild Republic. The Bighorn Ram Trophy Head is from the Stuffed Animal House. The Bighorn Ram Hand Puppet at left is from Wildlife Artists. Meanwhile, we'd would like to share some real_bighorn interesting facts and information about the Bighorn Ram.

The bighorn (Ovis canadensis) is a native North American sheep with a compact, muscular body, short muzzle and ears and short tail. These sheep are brownish grey with white muzzle and rump. Both sexes have horns, the male has the huge, spiral, transversely ribbed horns, which can weigh up to 30 pounds. Their typical horn clashing occurs during the mating season or "rut."

Bighorns feed on grasses, herbs and tender shoots. They are exceedingly sure-footed. The cloven hooves are pliable and concave producing a suction cup of sorts.

Bighorns produce one or two lambs per year after a six month gestation. They reach their prime in about eight years. These sheep are gregarious, the rams leave the ewes in the summer but rejoin them in the fall.

The bighorns' lifespan is about 15 years in the wild.


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