
Find Cocker Spaniel stuffed animals, facts and information in the Kennel. Here is a little group of Cocker Spaniel stuffed animals. real_cocker_spanielWe have a variety of gifts including a Cocker Spaniel frame, a Cocker Spaniel tote, a zippered Cocker Spaniel bag, Spunky the Ty Cocker Spaniel Beanie and Buddy, Sonnet the Pink Cocker Spaniel Beanie, Nathaniel the Gund Teacup Puppy and a Cocker Spaniel Note Pad. You can find some of these Spaniel stuffed animals in our sponsor's Gift Shop.

Cocker Spaniels are happy, active dogs with a sense of humor, who love to be with their human companions. They also need regular grooming and some trimming.

The Cocker spaniel is descended from the English cocker spaniel. The English Springer Spaniel is about 15 inches high and weighs around 26 pounds. Its colors range from solid black, black with white, cream, roan and brindle.

Spaniels are very good with children and have a sweet friendly disposition. They were originally hunting dogs but now are used as companion dogs.


The Kennel Index
