
Where can you find Chihuahua stuffed animals and plush toys?

The Kennel at The Forest Cottage shows some Chihuahua stuffed animals, preal_chihuahualus some facts and information about the Chihuahua breed of dog. In the image above, there are some fine Chihuahua gift items. The cute plush Chihuahua stuffed animals in the center are Carlos and Pepito made by Douglas Cuddle Toys. The two Chihuahuas on the ends are made by Ganz, one is dressed in a blue sweater and there is a Well Healed Pet Chihuahua that comes with a leopard print sweater and bed. The red Chihuahua front right is from Unipak gifts and the little long-haired black and tan Chihuahua in front is from Demdaco. Some of these Chihuahua plush toys are in the Jeannie's Cottage Gift Shop.

The Chihuahua is the oldest breed on the American continent and the smallest breed in the world. This dog is native to Mexico and is named after one of that country's states.

These little dogs are from 6 to 9 inches high and only weigh from 2 to 5 pounds. They are generally colored light sand, chestnut or fawn and can also be silver or steel blue. They can be a solid color or dappled.

These dogs are lively, affectionate and very intelligent. Despite its small size, the Chihuahua needs exercise and should be allowed to run or take walks, especially when it is an apartment dweller.

The images below show some picture frames made by E&S Imports. Find these also in the Jeannie's Cottage gift shop.


The Kennel Index
