
Where can you find Cairn Terrier stuffed animals and plush toys?

You can find Cairn Terrier stuffed animals, facts and information here in The Kennel. These little Cairn Terrier stuffed animals come from Douglas Cuddle Toys and Bearington. The Douglas Cairn Terrier name is Hazel and the Bearington Cairn Terrier is Terri. Check the Gift Shop to see if we have any Cairn Terrier plush toys in stock.

Remember the little dog, Toto, in the Wizard of Oz. That little dog was a Cairn Terrier.

The Cairn Terrier was real_cairn_terrierdeveloped in Scotland. The name comes from the fact that these dogs were bred to root out little varmints from stone mounds called cairns that were common in this region.

The Cairn Terrier is an active little dog that is fearless but not aggressive, happy and funloving. It is about 11 to 12 inches at the withers, and weighs from 14-16 lbs. It has a powerful muzzle and a strong jaw. The ears are small and pointed. Its dark hazel eyes are slightly sunk under shaggy eyebrows.

Colors can be red, wheaten, grey, salt and pepper and almost black. Dark points, such as ears and muzzle, is typical. It has a double coat, the outer coat is profuse and harsh; undercoat short, soft and close.

Bred to be a hunting dog, it is now a fine companion dog and apartment dweller.


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