
Find Beagle plush toys in the Kennel at the Forest Cottage.

Beagle lovers will find a variety of Beagle giftware at our sponsor's gift shop. In the image above we have a Fuzzy Town Beagle plush pet, Sherlock the Puffkin Beagle, Baron the little Douglas plush Beagle as well as Balthezar, a Beagle Garden Stone, a Beagle Note Pad, and a Russ Beagle Peek-a-Buddy plush pet.

Beagles were originally hunting dogs, used for chasing hares (rabbits). They originated in Great Britain. Beagles are hounds. Hounds are separated into two main types: sight hounds and scent hounds. Beagles belong to the second group: scent hounds.

Beagles are about 13 to 16 inches high and weigh anywhere from 20 to 30 pounds. They come in a variety of colors: white, black, tan, red, lemon and blue mottle. The coat is short and thick.

They can be cheerful and affectionate and are good with children. They make good watchdogs but are not considered good guard dogs. Their life span is from 12 to 13 years.


The Kennel Index
