starling title

The European Starling starling(Sturnus vulgaris) is an 8 inch long black songbird. The bill, long and pointed, is yellow in summer and dark in fall and winter. The plumage is flecked with white in winter but iridescent in spring.

The voice is a series of whistles and discordant, squeaky and rasping notes. It has been known to mimic other birds.

You'll find the Starling in a variety of habitats from cities, to farms and suburban areas. It is found throughout the USA, parts of Alaska, Canada and Mexico. Originally from Eurasia. It feeds on insects, seeds and berries. It is considered a pest when huge flocks of these birds damage crops of fruits and vegetables.

The nest is made of twigs and grass and lined with plant matter and feathers. It is found in tree or building cavities. The 5 to 7 eggs are pale blue. The incubation period is from 12 to 13 days.

While the average lifespan of the Starling is only 2 to 3 years, they are on record of living up to 22 years. Quite a range.


Order: Passeriformes | Family: Sturnidae | Species: Sturnus vulgaris

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