

Discover facts and information about the Northern Mockingbird at the Forest Cottage Aviary.

The Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) is a member of the Mimidae family (mimic thrushes). It is a Robin-sized bird (9 to 11 inches), slender with amockingbird long gray tail and white patches on the wings and tail.

The voice is a continued series of a great variety of notes and phrases, each repeated 3 or more times; often imitates other birds and sings day or night.

These birds are found in residential areas, city parks, farmlands and open areas.

The nest is a bulky affair built of coarse twigs, sticks and weed stems and found in a bush or low tree. The female lays 3 to 6 ( 1.0 x .8 inches) blue-green eggs, speckled with brown. The incubation period is from 11 to 14 days.

The range is in the United States, Mexico and West Indies. Mockingbirds feed on small insects, bugs, beetles and caterpillars. They are very aggressive and will defend their territory against any intruder.

Find the Wild Republic Audubon Bird Mockingbird at our sponsor's online gift shop: www.jeanniescottage.com.

Class: Aves | Order: Passeriformes | Family: Mimidae
