

The burrowing_owlBurrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) is 9-inches long with long legs and a short tail. It has yellow eyes and no ear tufts. Its voice is a rapid cackling; also a mellow coo-hooo, repeated twice. It lives in open areas such as prairies, deserts, fields, farms and grasslands.

The nest is an underground burrow lined with grasses and roots. There the female lays 5-8 white eggs. The chicks fledge four weeks after hatching, they can make short flights and begin leaving the nest burrow. The parents will continue to feed the chicks for 1 to 3 months. The breeding range is throughout the western United States and includes Canada's southern prairie provinces. It winters in the southwestern states.

This little owl is active both during the day and at night. It is capable of digging its own burrow but sometimes also claims the abandoned burrow of a prairie dog or pocket gopher. Has a tendency to bob up and down when upset. Buffy colored owl with spots and bars. Will nest in single pairs or small colonies. Both parents incubate and raise the young. They feed on insects, reptiles and rodents.

Class: Aves | Order: Strigiformes | Family: Strigidae | Genus: Athene Species: A. cunicularia
