

The Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) is a member of the Icteridae family, which also includes the meadowlarks, blackbirds and orioles. These birds (6-8 inches) real_bobolinkhave conical, sharp-pointed bills. They feed on insects, fruits, seeds and grain.

The breeding male is mostly black with a white rump and back and a yellowish nape. During the nesting season the Bobolink's song is a loud, bubbling bob-o-link, many times given while hovering in flight. In flight you can hear them calling with a note that sounds like pink or ink.

Bobolinks frequent areas such as hayfields, meadows, open fields, farmlands and marshes. The nest is a grass-lined cup built in the grass. The female lays 4-7 white eggs (.9" x.6") speckled with brown.

They are found in southern Canada and northern U.S. The male's colors change in fall to a coloration similar to that of the female (sparrow-like) and they migrate in flocks to southern South America.
