

The St. Vincent Amazon, Amazona guildingii, is a large, approximately 16 inches long, mostly green multi-colored parrot with a yellowish white, blue and green head, greenish-bronze upperparts plumage, and violet blue-green wings. plush_st_vincent_parrotThe feet are grey and the eyes reddish. Both male and female are sexually monomorphic, meaning you can't tell the difference by their appearance.

The St. Vincent is the largest of the Amazona parrots and has three different color morphs.

The St. Vincent Amazon lives in the hill forests of the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent in the Lesser Antilles. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, nuts, flowers and seeds. The female usually lays one to two eggs each breeding season.

Due to ongoing habitat loss, very small population size, limited range on one island, trapping for cage bird trade and occasional natural disasters, the St. Vincent Parrot's conservation status is considered vulnerable. There are currently only about 800 individuals in the wild.

Wild Republic produced the Audubon Bird series of singing birds and at one time included parrots, such as the above St. Vincent Amazon. They are very hard to find now, just like the real ones.

Order: Psittaciformes | Family: Psittacidae | Genus: Amazona | Species: A. guildingii


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