

This colorful little falcon is about 9 to 12 inches in real_kestrellength with a wingspan of 21 inches and is the smallest falcon in North America. It is found in a variety of habitats including cities, parks, open country, towns, farmlands, forest edges, alpine zones and deserts. It is found throughout the New World.

The American Kestrel lays its 4 to 5 white eggs with brown blotches in a cavity that is either natural or man-made. They will use holes in trees and nest boxes. Both parents tend the eggs. The incubation period is about 30 days. The young fledge about 30 days after hatching.

It has been reported that these birds will try nesting again if the first nest fails and in some southern states two broods per year are raised.

Kestrels feed on insects, small rodents and birds.

The American Kestrel is not an endangered species and is very common.

Class: Aves | Order: Falconiformes | Family: Falconidae |
Species: Falco sparverius
