
crimson_rosella_birdAs its name implies the Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans) is rosey crimson red. There are several color forms, this one being the red variety. There is also a yellow rosella and an adelaide rosella. The cheeks, flight feathers and tail are blue. These birds are from 32cm to 36 cm in length.

The red variety is found in northern Queensland, southern Queensland to south-eastern Australia and on Kangaroo Island. They have also been introduced to Norfolk Island and New Zealand. The orange variety is South Australia's Flanders Ranges and the yellow variety is found along the Murray, Murrumbidgee and neighboring rivers. They prefer tall eucalypt and wetter forests.

This bird has a variety of calls including whistles, screeches and the common "cussik-cussik."

The Rosellas like to travel in small bands and frequent garden feeders. Natural foods include seeds, grasses and shrubs, insects and tree blossoms.

The breeding season is from September to January. These are cavity nesters and will line the nest with wood shavings and dust. crimson_rosella_plushAverage clutch size is 5 white eggs, but there can be 4 to 8. The female incubates the eggs but both parents tend the young. The eggs hatch in about 20 days and fledge in 35 days. They remain close to the parents for a further 35 days.

These little Crimson Rosellas are only 9 inches long from head to tip of tail. Wild Republic, maker of these birds, has joined hands with CEBA to empower its new line of birds.

Each bird's lifelike design and detailing is the result of input from CEBA. The sound is an actual Crimson Rosella provided by CEBA (CEntre Bioacoustique Alpin, Europe) and made by expert recordists. Wild Republic's affiliation with this bird organization emphasizes its commitment to nature conservation.

Wild Republic has discontinued its Australian Series of birds.


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